Strengthen your Media Presence with Trusted Relationships

Building media communications to enhance your brand's credibility through targeted press coverage and interviews.

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We have trusted and maintained Arabic and English media relations with the journalists who are covering most of the prominent and emerging sectors.

We have sustained long lasting relationships with the key local, regional, and international media ranging from the leading newspapers, magazines, televisions, and radio outlets.

Our team makes sure to create content which is attractive for the media to publish and for the audience to read. We save no efforts in benefiting from our solid Arabic and English media relations to maximize your exposure and reach.
Based on our PR experience and media relations, we have a strong understanding of what content, information and angles media are looking for. We strive to build the best relations with the media so they reach to us for our clients input to add in their articles, and they welcome us when we contact them to pitch for a new release. All media we are working with consider us as part of their journalism team.

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Once we start representing your brand as your trusted PR agency, we start with an initial audit carried out by our press office, which is considered as a proactive media relations tool to know your presence in the media platforms and establish a strong connection with the media and the public. We make effective use of both traditional and digital media platforms and channels to build strategic relationship with the key media on your behalf to set up media interviews, distribute press releases, arrange opinion pieces, and organize press events.

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